Friday, June 17, 2011

Ethereal Healing Vibration Emanates Orthogonally From Its Spatial Temporal Matrix - An Experimental Meditation

Let's try an experiment. Since we have vibrational flower remedies, lets work with the idea of a photographic yantra, as depicted in nature. Vibrational healing goes very well with orthomolecular remedies. See Take a minute or so, double click this picture and really look at it and feel the color.

What is the relationship of imagination to reality? The reality is that your imagination is an ever present miracle of consciousness which we often take for granted. Can you feel eternity by being in the present moment ?

I'm captivated by this surreal emanation. I felt there was something compelling with this photograph. G-d is inherent in all vibrant beauty. Here a transient moment was captured radiating divine love and healing from the botanic plane. Herbs, flowers, leaves, stems and roots were created to serve us in healing our bodies and inner spirit. When you look at the ribbed structure of these railroad vines, you can see how the emanation broadcasts simultaneously throughout several planes. It so obvious that you really have to think about what this really is all about. When you look into the eyes of these flowers , are you not looking into the eyes of Mother Nature ?

We have a rare organic healing vibratory gem in a bed of granular crystalline transmission. Grains of sand can be a symbolic infinity, like stars in the sky, like a multitude of universes in heavenly creation, like countless neurons in our mind, all a broadcast of interrelated pulsating mitochondrial energy. This energy is related to the fire on the Burning Bush. Is there pulsation even in stasis ? Violet is a higher frequency of light, but only limited by the confines of the eye's
limits of physical perception. What then are the limits of our third eye, also known as our G-d Eye ?

I'll let my spirit write this post...

Let's partake in a short meditation. First take a few deep relaxing rhythmic breaths. Take your time and enjoy them.

Meditate on healing, love and peace while contemplating this exquisite creation. Do this for one minute or more.

Now feel its healing and purifying vibration, while believing with all your heart in the purity and
goodness of G-d's creation, our planet and our environment.

Violet being a higher vibration of light, send this divine frequency of purification and alignment throughout your body from it's spatial temporal matrix residing in the the spinning platter served in cyber space into a shared moment within your Sahasraram Chakra. This transcendent feeling bathes your mind in glorious happiness and joy. Can you not believe in miraculous healing, even though every moment of you conscious awareness is based upon the constant gift, the ever present miracle of your conscious awareness ? Visualize the burning bush , the eternal flame! It beings life, consciousness, awareness and energy to our mitochondria. Honor this. Realize you are much more than your body, that you are connected to all creation by virtue of

Let this vibration purify and heal every cell and tissue of your body. Affirm your love for our environment, honor it's purity. This may happen quickly or slowly, but be patient and give this time. This is a free gift, a grace that works of it's own accord. Then feel the love of our Creator
for Us and our Planet, the Oneness of Creation.

Do you you hear OM breathing in, when momentarily stilling your breath, breathing out ? Now radiate this sacred energy from you heart center healing our planet, our atmosphere, and all living beings and creatures. You heal yourself by healing others.

Broadcast this affirmation while quietly chanting OM.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Simply take in the vibration of color, the feeling of quiet mind and healing, then double click each picture and look closely. Nature speaks for itself.

Where are these flowers in present time ?

In Texas ? On a server in a spatial temporal nexus in Googlelandia, up in the ephemeral clouds of the net, perhaps in a trailer, on your laptop, desktop pc, on your monitor or in your mind ? How fast are all the disk platters spinning in

synchronicity ?

Or in my mind at the time I took the pictures or posted them in my blog: What time is it now, here where I am or there where you are, or is time suspended in an eternal present  stasis at the point of compositional perception or pressing the shutter button ?

Does your understanding and my understanding meet and commune with each other ? Perhaps the subjects each convey their own understanding ? We may never know what is in our respective minds, but our hearts can have mutual feeling on aesthetic ground. Yet here that place is cyberspace. A point connected everywhere. What's the fuss, it's still just all of "US".

What is the basis and foundation of perception ? 

How can a photograph communicate across the boundaries of cultural and language variance ? 

Pictoral symbols that evoke thoughts, feelings, and memories that are present time, past time, and future fantasies. Where is your mind now ? Where has it been ? What our minds can create.

Do we have a little better flavor for 'Orthogonal' ?

Monday, April 27, 2009


There was a lot of renovation over the past year, and many of the railroad vines were mowed down, but they came back thank G-d. These beautiful blossoms are a variety of morning glory.

Perhaps it's the blue vibration that I find so fascinating.

Ephemeral beauty has it's moment of eternity in the infinite present. We can often loose our sense of time in deep focus and concentration. This picture was taken in April, 2009, and one day when you look at it in the future,we will be sharing that present moment across temporal and spatial boundaries.

There really isn't much to say, just double click on these pictures and enjoy them...

The picture on top, is of a tree trunk embracing the sky during the day and the heavens at night.

The second picture is a yellow cactus flower, basking in solar energy.

The next two are flowers among the grasses and leaves, and the final two are close ups of railroad vines.

In four minutes Monday transitions into Tuesday.

ZZZZZ's beckon.

Sweet Dreams

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Well I have been remiss, it's nearly been a year since I have posted an entry.

Back in early June I drove over to Austin, Tx. to visit Wayne. He gave me a tour of downtown Austin, and it had been 34 years since we last lived there. I was really glad to have gotten back there, the tour brought back great memories. Austin is one of my favorite places in the State of Texas, a college town with wonderful character, ambiance, and culture. We also had a wonderful opportunity to compensate, sorry, overcompensate for Tex-Mex deprivation.

The purpose of the mystery object is to help identify the nickname of one of Austin’s newest architectural monuments, as well as explain my theory of its mythic and psychological symbolism.

Ok, if you saw the Ben Hur movie, and remember the spokes on the chariot wheels, what we really have is a single pointed pair of symbolic Longhorns which say, “Don’t Mess With Texas. If you do , we're gonna git ya.” It also announces that Austin has a World Class University, Technology and Research Center, and is a Global Presence. Of course I feel that Texas has one of the finest University systems in the country, and if y’all are unaware of this, spend a couple of days in Austin.

While I also like UW Madison, Austin beats Wisconsin climate wise, especially in the Winter and when it comes to college football, sports, music, entertainment, and having fun, what more can I ever say? You can get a great education and can have fun at the same time.

You can see the Frost Tower from my aerial photo at 3 o’clock. Don’t be shocked, but you can take nice pictures with even a 4 megapixel camera.

After decoding the first two pictures as a nose clipper, you can also look at the Frost Tower as a modern day Shiva Lingam for the Kali Yuga, or perhaps it’ reflects an architect’s unconscious fear of a proctology examination. :) The only touch I might have liked to have seen is a few assorted gargoyles, or statues of Stevie Ray Vaughn, Willie Nelson, and Waylon Jennings. Maybe an armadillo or two would have been a nice touch as well, along with jalapeno peppers and a couple of Lonestars. Maybe one day we will even have a Longhorn or Lonestar Club in Manhattan.

Perhaps for the next bigger and better skyscraper, the Austin City Fathers and Moms will consider using local architectural talent from Austin itself, or from the University.

Of course I hope there’s a solid and safe evacuation plan from the top floors, in case everyone has to rush downstairs to celebrate the latest UT football victory. Paul, it's only a matter of time till you'll be back in Austin.

Monday, September 24, 2007


One great benefit of being a student at Georgia State College was the fabulous entertainers the school brought for it's students. Whether it was BB King, Santana, Otis Redding, Herbie Mann, Peter, Paul, and Mary, or Ray Charles, the shows were top notch.

I had been using a Minolta Twin Lens Reflex, and made multiple exposures with the B setting on the shutter. I really did not take a lot of pictures that night, simply because the show was too good, and Ray gave a wonderful performance.

Ananda Ashram 1972 Group Photo

During the Summer of 1972, we went up to Ananda Ashram in Monroe,N.Y., for a weekend program of yoga and meditation. The grounds of the Ashram are located on a beautiful mountain lake. It was truly a place where one could leave behind their problems and focus on spiritual growth.

I asked Dr. Mishra if I could take a group picture, and he kindly obliged. He also praised my photographic talents, which was an unexpected pleasant surprise. I continued to photograph and video tape Dr. Mishra as opportunities presented themselves over the next twenty one years.

Dr. Mishra is in the front row on the right, as you face the picture.

We left NYC at the end of 1973 for Texas. During our first week in Florida after graduating UT Dallas in 1978, I received a traffic ticket for a wrong turn in N. Miami Beach, and went to traffic school in N. Miami Beach High School.

During our break I came across Edith Epstein, Swami Naranda, teaching a Hatha Yoga Class.She told me her Guru was Dr. Mishra. Later I studied Hatha Yoga with her, and completed her teacher's training course.

If you click on: you can view videos of Dr. Mishra and Swami Naranda . They are also in my photo blog.

A new version of "Fundamentals of Yoga" is being worked on and should be available soon from the bookstore at . George Leone was kind enough to give me a heads up on this new revision.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Not too long before his untimely death, I met and photographed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr at Georgia State College. He was a gifted and talented speaker, naturally charismatic .

I wonder what he would add to his "dream " today ? A world with clean air, pure food,....less environmental contaminants and pollution ? Would he say a world where people of all faiths get along in harmony, where Sunnis love Shiites, where Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, and Hindus get along in harmony ? A world free of disease and hunger, rather than free of universal health care ? Where people live their lives by the 10 Commandments ?

What would he have put on his website ? Who would he support as the 2008 Presidential candidate ? What would he say to President Bush were he alive today to visit the White House?

When I shook his hand after his speech, all I could say was , "It was a pleasure to meet you."

These moments can be taken for granted at the time they transpire, and in retrospect they had historical impact.