During the late 60's, the Psychology Department at Georgia State College held a seminar on Bioenergetic Therapy. Alexander Lowen,M.D., and John Pierrakos M.D. were the founders of the Bioenergetic movement. While these were a couple of simple available light pictures, as a psychology major, seeing Drs Lowen in Pierrakos in action was purely profound, especially when they worked on the department head and another of my professors.
Above is a picture of Dr. Pierrakos , shortly before his flight left Atlanta. after the session we got into an interesting conversation where he spoke about the aura and Kirilian photography.
He also mentioned that he once watched the soul of one of his patients leaving the body upon death,while he viewed this taking place through a filter of dye cyanin. This was much more exciting than studying dog experiments in experimental psychology or sectioning frozen rat brains with a micro tome, post experiments. I purposely avoided this tract in my course work.
Top top image in the center is of Dr Lowen and Dr. Pierrakos outside, what I believe was the Dragon Seed Restaurant in downtown Atlanta. I drove them for lunch and back to the airport.
The other people in the picture were from the Psychology department at GSC.
The Bioenergetic movement came form the work of Wilhelm Reich. What I will always remember is that every psychopathology has a physical correlate, and in order to effect a lasting cure,the body and flow of energy have to be worked on, not just the mind alone. Personality can be etched in the face, and reflected in the posture and structure of the body.
These were medical doctors that focused on the mind as well as the energy flows in the body.The 60's schism between talk therapy and using meds still exists today, except inflation has made this a more expensive indulgence.Bioenergetic therapy often had profound and lasting results. I saw Dr. Lowen cure a migraine headache in minutes.
Several years ago I met Dr. Michael Lesser,M.D. who wrote, "The Brain Chemistry Diet" from http:/www.nutritionconference.com . Dr. Lesser, who worked together with Dr. Linus Pauling posits, that dramatic changes in a persons state of mind can be accomplished through therapeutic does of vitamins, minerals , and amino acids.
As you look at heavy metals and environmental contaminants in the food chain, a lot comes together in the form of answers. You can also look at http://www.autismone.com and listen to their podcasts on the effect environmental issues have on children.
A lot of psychology courses revolved around what I felt was ancestor worship, memorizing and understanding theorists, and showing your understanding in tests. Bioenergetics was on the cutting edge.