Let's try an experiment. Since we have vibrational flower remedies, lets work with the idea of a photographic yantra, as depicted in nature. Vibrational healing goes very well with orthomolecular remedies. See www.orthomolecular.org Take a minute or so, double click this picture and really look at it and feel the color.
What is the relationship of imagination to reality? The reality is that your imagination is an ever present miracle of consciousness which we often take for granted. Can you feel eternity by being in the present moment ?
I'm captivated by this surreal emanation. I felt there was something compelling with this photograph. G-d is inherent in all vibrant beauty. Here a transient moment was captured radiating divine love and healing from the botanic plane. Herbs, flowers, leaves, stems and roots were created to serve us in healing our bodies and inner spirit. When you look at the ribbed structure of these railroad vines, you can see how the emanation broadcasts simultaneously throughout several planes. It so obvious that you really have to think about what this really is all about. When you look into the eyes of these flowers , are you not looking into the eyes of Mother Nature ?
We have a rare organic healing vibratory gem in a bed of granular crystalline transmission. Grains of sand can be a symbolic infinity, like stars in the sky, like a multitude of universes in heavenly creation, like countless neurons in our mind, all a broadcast of interrelated pulsating mitochondrial energy. This energy is related to the fire on the Burning Bush. Is there pulsation even in stasis ? Violet is a higher frequency of light, but only limited by the confines of the eye's
limits of physical perception. What then are the limits of our third eye, also known as our G-d Eye ?
I'll let my spirit write this post...
Let's partake in a short meditation. First take a few deep relaxing rhythmic breaths. Take your time and enjoy them.
Meditate on healing, love and peace while contemplating this exquisite creation. Do this for one minute or more.
Now feel its healing and purifying vibration, while believing with all your heart in the purity and
goodness of G-d's creation, our planet and our environment.
Violet being a higher vibration of light, send this divine frequency of purification and alignment throughout your body from it's spatial temporal matrix residing in the the spinning platter served in cyber space into a shared moment within your Sahasraram Chakra. This transcendent feeling bathes your mind in glorious happiness and joy. Can you not believe in miraculous healing, even though every moment of you conscious awareness is based upon the constant gift, the ever present miracle of your conscious awareness ? Visualize the burning bush , the eternal flame! It beings life, consciousness, awareness and energy to our mitochondria. Honor this. Realize you are much more than your body, that you are connected to all creation by virtue of
Let this vibration purify and heal every cell and tissue of your body. Affirm your love for our environment, honor it's purity. This may happen quickly or slowly, but be patient and give this time. This is a free gift, a grace that works of it's own accord. Then feel the love of our Creator
for Us and our Planet, the Oneness of Creation.
Do you you hear OM breathing in, when momentarily stilling your breath, breathing out ? Now radiate this sacred energy from you heart center healing our planet, our atmosphere, and all living beings and creatures. You heal yourself by healing others.
Broadcast this affirmation while quietly chanting OM.
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