Friday, August 3, 2007

Central Park 1970

One morning we went to meet some friends by the fountain in Central Park.

I had my Leica M2, and with the vantage point from the steps above, captured a wonderful scene full of activity sounds, and life. Of course there were no digital cameras with microphones, or consumer camcorders, but it was amazing what a good Summicron lens and low asa film could accomplish.

I can remember holding the camera in my hands, looking for the right vantage point, pulling back the advance lever and pushing the shutter button, and the characteristic silent click of the shutter curtain. A Leica was more of an extension than an instrument.

I used to love taking Tri-x , pushing the ASA with Acufine, using a grain focusing microscope and making 16x20's in large trays in my darkroom, usually a converted bathroom at home.

On the lower left you can see the Hare Krishnas chanting and dancing about. The pond in the background already had a number of rowboats. What were all these people talking about ? Who was meeting whom for the first time that morning ?

What had transpired the night before, and what business was currently being transacted? Was there love in the air ? Romance in the park ? Waht was to happen later that night or later during the day ? Thirty Seven years ago. This was a Geo Spatial Temporal Nexus, with souls going about in orthogonal directions.

One might say this is part of the incomparable ambiance that enamors one soul from living in Manhattan. New Yorkers , contrary to some peoples belief are amazingly friendly and sociable, in the midst of a natural urbane sophistication. You can travel to any metropolitan destination in the world, but there's only one New York City.

The Angel is watching over everyone in the vicinity, but overhead G-d sees everything.

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