Friday, August 10, 2007


This picture was of a rather remarkable skylight, a stained glass mosaic, at the Society of Composers, taken in Madrid, Spain in 1989. Double clink on the picture, take a minute and enjoy
the patterning and the light.

We visited Cordoba in 2001, and documented the exquisite workmanship of Moorish architecture shown in this Mosque's dome.

Of course the art and beauty are exquisite, the Moors were expelled with Spain, and shortly there after the Inquisition began. Over history one wonders who was the most brutal, especially when you consider the conquistador's conquest of Mexico and the New World. Of course there was no multimedia or photographs of the genocide perpetuated on the native Indian populations. The Inquisition was however well documented to an extent.

The Mesquita was turned into a church, which was the general practice, and the one in Cordoba was also used as a Mausoleum, where bodies were interred under the floor, and bones in glass caskets. This went over well with the expelled Moors and the Ottomans.

The Synagogue in Toledo also was turned into a church with a reliquary. The New World traditions led to our New Millenium. Shall we "Give Peace A Chance" and have the next Woodstock Concert in Iraq ?

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